Environmental Evaluation of Development Proposals Case Study: the Adani Project ~ A Need for Review?
3. E nvironmental Impact Statements & Scientific Uncertainty: A Decision-Making Aid or the Decision End Point? TAGS: Adani; coal mine; evaluation; EIS; environmental impact audit; US 40 C.F.R. Section 1502.22 ; US National Environmental Policy Act 1969 ; incomplete information; scientific uncertainty; scientific roundtable 1. Any review and reform of the environmental evaluation and approval process of major development projects, like the Adani project, needs to be directed at a primary source of the problems created by scientific uncertainty in the EIS. 2. Problems that not only caused conflict, litigation and inordinate delays for environmental evaluation and approval – but also confounded the integrity of the decision-making process . 3. It would be prudent for Government to be aware of the US experience: That “no other strategy offers a more telling acknowledgement of the legitimacy of local concern...