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Showing posts from November, 2019

The Future of Coal, the Paris Agreement & Conflict Resolution: Google Search Results as an Aid to Resolve the Controversy

TAGS : Paris Agreement; COP25; coal; future; risk; best available science; sustainable development; equity; scientific round-table; positions; interests 1.0    Any decision on this issue requires the Paris Agreement’s obligations to be implemented “on the basis of equity” - as well as “in accordance with the best available science ”. 2.0   The results from a Google Search on “ the future of coal ” highlight the contradictory global positions held on this issue : While an international consensus is emerging for the position of a fast and orderly phasing out of coal mining and coal-generated energy, new coal supply and demand infrastructure continues to be developed . 3.0    But has clean coal technology R&D reached the stage of being the “ best available science ” for a decision to be made to resolve this controversy? 4.0   The challenge for COP25 is to promote a problem-solving pathway that counterbalances the "n eed"  for an objective process to decide the