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Towards an Independent Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mechanism Based on Environmental Dispute Resolution Principles & the Scientific Standards of Testability, Objectivity & Impartiality

TAGS :     COVID-19; evaluation; WHO; World Health Assembly; information conflicts; scientific round-table; fact-finding; testability; objectivity; impartiality; data mediation; consensus decision-making          A Google search of the key words :  COVID - 19 evaluation science conflict resolution     turns up 150,000,000 results.  The author's article appears on Google page 1 at #1 : 10 November 2020. The article provides a road-map for a "stepwise process for an impartial,  independent and comprehensive evaluation" of the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. READ MORE …  

The COVID-19 Global Pandemic & Decision-Making ~ Early Warning, Risk Analysis & the Precautionary Principle

TAGS : COVID-19; preparedness; risk assessment - communication; precautionary principle; epidemiological assessment; resilience; sustainable development; Sustainable Development Goal 3 1.0   A pathway to address global concerns related to the “ early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks” , is outlined. 2.0 The linkage between the application of the precautionary principle and epidemiological assessment is the trigger for a risk assessment - the basis for decision-making on preparedness and the early warning of a pandemic. 3.0    Using COVID-19 as an example, decision-making under the pathway would proceed along the following sequence of steps: The Precautionary Principle - Epidemiological Assessment - Risk Assessment - Risk Communication - The Risk Management/Resilience/Sustainable Development Linkage. 4.0    The pathway can also be a relevant consideration to avoid history repeating e.g. the global controversy over the time taken before an e

COMMENT: The COVID-19 Global Pandemic ~ Finding Sustainable Solutions for Global Health Risks

TAGS: COVID-19 ; sustainable development; SDG 3; Impacts: global health (environmental) – economic – social - cultural; methodology;  multi-objective analysis;  1.0  The COVID-19 pandemic has become a classic sustainable development problem to resolve against a background of one of the worst global recessions in history being reasonably foreseeable.   2.0  As the global health impacts of the global pandemic become effectively managed through preventative actions and measures taken throughout the world, increasing attention by national Governments will have to be directed at sustainable development in the recovery phase from the pandemic .   3.0  The bottom line for finding sustainable solutions requires the multiple and competing objectives of sustainable development – economic, social (including cultural) and environmental ( for COVID-19, global health risks ) - to be assessed and balanced.  Decision-making on the methodology to be adopted to find sustainable solutions is crucial.

A Problem-Solving Pathway to Resolve the Controversy Over Fuel Load, Hazard Reduction Burns, Risk Analysis and Bushfires: A Royal Commission or a Scientific Round-Table?

TAGS: Bushfires; Australia; climate change;   hazard reduction; fuel load; window of opportunity; ecology; habitat;  threatened species;  resilience; scientific round-table; royal commission; conflict resolution 1.0   The 2019-2020 bush fire season in Australia has been one of the worst fire seasons on record. The total area of land burned during the current bushfire season now exceeds 10.7 million hectares (26.4 million acres). 2.0    All Australian mainland States have been impacted. Thousands of homes have been destroyed; 27 people have been killed . There have been significant impacts on  native fauna and their habitat. The following issues are reviewed: - (a)   Preparedness: Drought Management and Bushfire Hazard Reduction (b)  Issues That Contribute to Fuel Load And Hazard Reduction (c)   The Wider Application for Resilience in the Australian Environment (d)   Climate Change, Fuel Build-up and Bushfires (e)   Where to Now: A Royal Commission to Review the Bushfir